Simple Powerful Health

Exploring the Simple Path to Better Health

Decadent Vegan Pancakes!

My wife, Roxana, loves pancakes! Unfortunately if you are out in the street there may not be a lot of healthy vegan pancake options, especially at 2am in the morning! Here is a Vegan Pancake Recipe that is simple, low-fat and decadent looking! There are only 3 main...

Dr. Barnard: Easy Vegan Plan to Control Diabetes

The onset of Type 2 Diabetes nowadays is at epidemic proportions. It is occurring more frequently and at earlier times in people's lives. No longer is the onset of Diabetes limited to Adults. Approximately 10% of the U.S. population is Diabetic. That is a lot of...

Quick Vegan Spanish Gazpacho

It is SoCal! It is Summer! It is Hot! Right now it is 100 degrees. I actually took a shower outside...with the hose! Personally I love summer because of all of the summer fruits and vegetables! When it is really hot fruit is what I feel like eating. I had a fresh...

How to Get FREE Organic Fruits and Vegetables

A CSA (Community Sponsored Agriculture) is an program that bridges the gap between the community and local organic farmers. A CSA is a collective of organic farmers who sell their produce directly to the community residents. It connects the urban and rural communities...

The Vegan Man at the Door

The last month I did something I never had done, I worked a door-to-door job. For one month I was "The Vegan Man at your Door". How did it come about? Ever since we let the store go we have been trying to figure out our next step, our next project. I went to check out...

White Rice, Diabetes and the Vegan Diet

What is the single most important staple food in the world? Rice! About 1/2 of planet Earth depends on rice as a major part of their everyday diet. Since billions of people eat it, you would expect there to be a lot of interest on how rice effects your health. Dr...

War and Diet

Yes I know....War is not the usual topic of a vegan website! But then again, this is not your usual  plant-based diet and nutrition site. Without a Doubt....War is Horrible! The upheaval and destruction of lives, families and cities is devastating and leaves long term...

Vegan Recipe: Un-Tuna

Yesterday I was juicing, something I do a lot of on the weekends. It was a pretty typical juice, some carrots, celery, cilantro, an apple, and a little citrus. It was delicious. What I often do is save the fiber and repurpose it, use it, in another food dish later on...

Is Eating Organic Necessary?

Eating organic is a big issue for a lot of people. Which foods are the ones that you definitely should try and eat organic and which ones does the farming industry use less pesticides on? Find out here!

What Is In Those French Fries?

If companies can make healthier versions of fast food in other countries how come they can’t here? A recent article exposes McDonald’s for feeding the U.S. Market harmful chemicals……………

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About Us

Simple Powerful Health is dedicated to making better health easy. Our objective is to expose you to a clear path of simple, powerful health principles and practices that can make a significant difference in the health of your family, your community and the planet. We are a vegetarian/vegan blog that recognizes and respects your individuality and rights as well as that of all other sentient beings on the planet. -- Simple Powerful Health is here to make a difference! Calen Meza